Dear Pastor,
Welcome to the Pastor’s Portal for our film Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus. Here you will find resources that you can use to introduce your congregation to this exciting documentary film. In addition, prepared sermons and notes will be available should you wish to conduct a sermon about this topic.
This film explores one foundational question: Is there any evidence to support the Exodus story? We ask that question because the story of the Exodus, and the book from which it comes, is under attack. The evidence against the Exodus appears to be so strong that even some within the church are labeling this account as historical fiction. This film provides an answer to the mystery of why there has been a lack of evidence for the ancient accounts found in the Bible.
We want to give you the tools needed for a strong defense for the validity of the Bible. This film will be a terrific tool for outreach and faith-building by giving strong evidence for the acts of God in history. Enjoy the journey.
Jane Bjork – Movie Event Liaison
Film Overview with Pastor’s Endorsements
Watch this special 17-minute video to get an in-depth look at the film and hear analysis by Dr. Norman Geisler, Dr. Walt Kaiser, Joseph Holden, Dr. Gregory Thornbury and pastors like you.